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Free Money News November 2012

The election is here! Whoever wins, know that billions - yes, billions - in government and private funds will continue to be provided in grants, scholarships, and financial aid. Some things do not change.

What also won't change is that Go Free Government Money and our Free Grants Community will be here to provide a reliable place for honest sharing of information.

Whatever your opinion about politics and the issues of the day, be sure to exercise your precious right to vote. Check back here often to get the latest - and what's in it for you - in government grants and other sources of personal and business funds. Here are our November Highlights:

Help To Repair A Home

We have had so many inquiries on our facebook page from people who need some financial aid to complete necessary repairs in their homes. Did you know that some grants, loans and other programs for home repairs are available from federal and state government agencies, public utilities, and private foundations? In addition to home repair some of them also provide help for rehabilitation for buildings and for emergency assistance with heating and cooling systems. Learn more in our important article on government grants for home repair.

Don't Miss Free Money News

Have you missed a previous issue of our newsletter, or are you looking for an article on a past topic you can't find? We have recently updated our archive summary at so you can see not just a list but a brief summary of subjects covered and associated links to the appropriate issues. Check it out at our Free Money Newsletters page.

Looking for the U.S. Government Grant Department?

There is so much money given out in grants each year it's no wonder that people look for a single department to manage them. But is there one? Well, not exactly. In fact, there are no fewer than 26 federal agencies that award grants. Discover what they are, what each one is interested in and which ones might apply to you in our article titled U.S. Government Grant Department.

Improve Our Community

Have you noticed the Google +1 button on each page on this site? We encourage you to go and click it today! It may seem like a small thing but by doing so you let other people know you value our content and recommend they check it out. They value your opinion and more people join our user community, giving everyone access to valuable experience and information. This is especially true in our Community Ask & Answer section. Remember, if you have a specific question, enter it there and see if someone can help!

Write and Win Foundation Grants Fast

Just a reminder that if you are seeking funding for your organization from a private Foundation, there is a simple and affordable system that can help improve your odds - fast! It's called Five Days to Foundation Grants and it can teach you to create a winning system in one week. The author shares her insider tips based on personal experience both funding and writing grants.

This very affordable system is instantly available for download and includes valuable bonuses that will make you even more effective. Are you short on money and time? Read our review at Write Foundation Grants Fast. (You'll get some valuable tips just by finding out what the author has to say about her system!)